Thursday, 9 August 2012

Here, there and everywhere!

When I first found 'The Internet' there wasn't really a great deal of scope for creating an online presence, or if there was, I wasn't aware of it.  Now I appear to have found myself all over the place, with various usernames and passwords that I'm struggling to keep track of.

I think it all started with AOL. My first ever screen name. My first ever 'profile'.

Then there was Friends Reunited.  A nice website where it was possible to get back in touch with old school friends.  Then came MySpace.  A place where I could pretend to be more interesting than I really am and the first place to collect 'friends' as a way of looking popular.  After that, Facebook.  I joined because everyone else did. Like a sheep.  The fact that you're reading this online means you probably have a Facebook account and therefore needs to further explanation.

After that it gets blurry. Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Folksy, Google+ and of course Blogger.

At some point I think I'd like to clean up the messes I've created on various platforms, consolidate any content I may have produced and stop spreading myself so thinly, however I suspect I'll probably join up for the next new thing and forget about it when the next one comes along!

I need a cleaner.

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