Monday, 23 April 2012


Here are some portraits of a selection of people who I follow, or who follow me, on Instagram.  They aren't done as a result of a request from an individual; I generally choose who I'll draw without the person's knowledge/approval, and so far everyone's been very kind in allowing me to post the results.

Every now and again I'll announce that the next person to post a picture will get it drawn (there are rules though, one of which is that the picture must be in focus!), so if you're reading this, and you want a portrait, come and find me on Instagram.

Bring your game face.

The face that launched, erm, a couple more portraits.
Lots of black, hence the sneaky cross-hatching ;)
Number 3, starting to get comfortable with the technique.
This is nearly ruined by my shoddy focussing.
One of my favourites for the most accurate likeness.
This needs no caption.
Look at all the white!! Love it!

Dark hair = Rotten shoulder
Lots of hair = Facial twitching!
A long overdue portrait! Finally completed (2nd attempt)

Almost binned this half way through. Glad I persevered now.

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