Sunday, 18 March 2012

Bok Bok!

Several weeks ago my girlfriend and I decided we'd like to rescue some ex-battery hens and as I type this they are slowly exploring their new home at the top of our garden.

With an amazing chicken-run made by my step-dad, and a coop found on GumTree for a bargain price, we had the basic equipment to re-home some birds.  Some further preparation of the ground and procurement of food/mite powder was all taken care of whilst waiting for the e-mail from the folks at UK Hen Rescue to let us know we could collect our birds.

The vegetable patch makes way for the chicken run.
The unassembled chicken run.  Nice weather for an erection in the garden.
Almost complete. 
Home sweet home. 
In the car coming home they simply sat quietly, doing nothing else other than blinking.  When we put them in the run for the first time they hid in the corner behind the coop, ignoring all food/water and being generally terrified of being outside.  This wasn't good.

Today though, they are entirely different birds.  A handful of worms transformed them from the depressed creatures we'd picked up yesterday, to the inquisitive, friendly and alert birds we have now.

Here are the things I've learned about chickens in the last 24 hours;

1. They can do a brilliant impression of a seagull.
2. They love worms.  
3. They can wink at you with their 'bum'.
4. They REALLY love worms.

Rosemary and Nora

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