Wednesday, 20 March 2013

2013 through a lens

I said at the end of 2012 that 2013 would be the year that I get back into the habit of regular shooting, so far it just hasn't happened.  I could probably come up with lots of excuses as to why, but I think the most likely reason is laziness.

I've got ideas and I've got willing models, but I do not have a budget.  This isn't a HUGE problem, but it does slow things down a little.  I'm also short on space.  See?  I'm making excuses!

I'm declaring, in 'public', that I WILL shoot more in 2013.  More interesting 'stuff', things I find beautiful, interesting, thought provoking or shocking.  I'll shoot what I want, rather than what I think people will like.  I'll be open-minded to suggestions and I'll try to say 'yes' more often (I've agreed to shoot a wedding this year, which is something I very rarely do!).

To kick off, here are a few photographers that I really like at the moment.  The images you see here are things I'd be very interested in trying, particularly where the light/processing seems a little jarring and perhaps not as 'normal' as you'd expect it to be.

Jake Garn

Damon Loble

Jay Mawson

Nuno Boavida

Penny De Los Santos - food/travel photographer - inspiring!

Photographer and Muse - mixed photographers

What I'd like to happen in 2013 is have a few people I'm able to call on to get involved in some photography, have a laugh and play around with some ideas. 

What I'd REALLY like to happen in 2013 is have a local farmer gift me a disused barn/stable that I can convert into an enormous white studio!

So, if you've read this, clicked the links and want to spend a day creating something new, get in touch!

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